Private and Group Yoga Instruction, Eco Retreats,
Reiki Sessions and Attunements with Sarah Brenes

"It is through your body that you realize you are a spark of divinity." ~B.K.S. Iyengar
My current weekly class schedule:
Sundays 9am Form & Flow at Everyday Bliss Yoga
Mondays 6pm Hatha Yoga: Anusara Alignment at Everyday Bliss Yoga
Tuesdays 6pm Anusara/Vinyasa at Reaching Treetops Downtown
Thursdays 6pm Adaptive Yoga: "The Nature of Healing" VIRTUAL ONLY w/ Reaching Treetops Yoga
Most Saturdays: Community Yoga (pay what you want) at Reaching Treetops Yoga Downtown 9am

Sarah teaching with the OM Town Yogis at Milwaukee Art Museum
​Yoga Class Descriptions
Saturday Morning Community Yoga
Start your weekend with this playful, heart-centered class. Uplifting themes and intentions will cultivate positive qualities of Mind and Heart. Explore the stable foundation and expressive elements in each pose, as well as the attitudinal energy that infuses each action and breath throughout your practice. Learn precise alignment for the body and coordination of movement with the breath.
The Nature of Healing/Adaptive Yoga/Chair Yoga
Virtual Only
Students will learn how optimal alignment helps to heal aches and pains, relieve stress and boost overall health and vitality. Have you been avoiding yoga because you thought you were too inflexible or out of shape? Have you been worried that yoga would aggravate your chronic aches and pain? Rest assured, this gentle yoga practice will help, not hurt.
Combining expertise in Reiki and Anusara yoga, Sarah customizes class to serve individual needs of class members while working toward increased strength, balance and flexibility—as always. This class is appropriate for those who want or need to practice from a chair. Absolute beginners and continuing yoga students alike will benefit from these simple yet effective exercises. Sarah addresses neck pain, tight shoulders, wrist strength, back pain, core strength, aching feet, and more by instructing stretching, strengthening, and massaging that will leave you feeling refreshed and restored. Sarah explains how to do the poses for maximum benefit, and she also shows you modifications to make them easier or more challenging. No yoga experience required.
Vinyasa Yoga
A vinyasa is essentially a series of flowing, connected poses, incorporating breath and movement and cultivating heat, strength, flexibility, and balance. Standing poses increase strength and stamina, bending and twisting poses improve flexibility, balancing poses create focus, and inversions flip your perspective and rejuvenate the body's systems. Vinyasa yoga teaches us to cultivate an awareness that links each action to the next on the mat and in our lives.
Form & Flow
Each class is designed to meet you at your own level, so all are welcome. A variety of targeted therapeutic sequences and healing relaxation techniques used to deeply work your body and energy while guiding to proper alignment of posture and strength. The use of precise biomechanics and principles of alignment can be both healing and enhancing to your health and well-being. These techniques will be a wonderful complement to your lifestyle and beneficial to everyone; athletic or not, a serious yoga practitioner or not. Sequences may focus on specific injuries encompassing healing and prevention, as well as relieving physical stress and toxicity in the organs, glands, and muscles. Expect to become more empowered with your own health with this practice.
“I had chronic pain and stiffness in my shoulders (too much tension/stress and desk/computer work). When I attend Sarah's Therapeutic Yoga and mid-day stress busters classes it loosens it right up and relieves the pain. When I do it fairly consistently, it actually prevents the shoulder​ pain, knots and accompanying headaches.” Lynn, Carbondale IL
“Sarah is a nurturing, fun, and generous person and teacher who inspires me to connect deeply and to explore myself and the world through yoga. She keeps a consistent and high level of spirit and attention. I feel her classes speak right to me. I have learned so much and am truly grateful for pearls of wisdom she brings into the class setting." - Terry, Carbondale, IL
Flow with Grace
Start your weekend with this playful, heart-centered class. Uplifting themes and intentions will cultivate positive qualities of Mind and Heart. Explore the stable foundation and expressive elements in each pose, as well as the attitudinal energy that infuses each action and breath throughout your practice. Learn precise alignment for the body and coordination of movement with the breath.
Level II (Intermediate/Advanced)
Deepen your practice, playfully align the body, mind, and heart in this class that is both challenging and nurturing. Classes will bring you into the more intermediate and advanced postures in the yoga syllabus. Using the fundamentals you have developed from your strong working knowledge of the basic yoga postures, you will then learn how to radically expand into more advanced postures including variations of namaskars, standing poses, deeper hip openers, forward bends, backbends, playful arm and hand balancing postures, and inversions. Classes and themes will be based upon the teachings of yoga philosophy and may be drawn from the gunas, yamas and niyamas to inform the practice, along with mudra, mantra and meditation. This class is not suited for the beginning student. Prerequisite: Student must be able (or ready to) press up into urdhva dhanurasana, or consent from instructor.

Midday Stress Buster
This class provides a nice mid-day break to stretch, play, explore, and restore your body and soul in a fun and supportive environment. Come and discover what 45 minutes can do for you
Eye of the Tiger/Tigress
Eye of the Tiger is an asana sequence created by John Friend based on the practice sequences in Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar. The sequence includes a full spectrum of yoga postures that begin with Sun Salutations, inversions, standing poses, backbends and arm balances. This 2-1/2 hour sequence is a challenge, but practicing it builds tremendous strength and endurance.
In an Eye of the Tiger class, the instructor practices with the students, and Sarah will lead the class with minimal spoken instruction.
This is an intermediate level class. We suggest that you be familiar with sun salutations, inversions, know your limits and have humor and enthusiasm about your practice.
Private and Semi-Private Sessions
Private and semi-private classes are available to students who would like to work one on one or in a private group with a friend to develop their yoga practice. Sarah can help guide you into your own radical expansion into yoga. Students can decide to partake in one or a series of private sessions. The benefits of a private is the availability to really focus on your needs, answer your questions, and allow a personal and safe environment for you to practice. In a group setting, Sarah ensures that you are in a safe and supportive environment, however some students still prefer a one on one experience. Private lessons also include notes and development of your own personal practice.